• ME029 ME029 ME009 简约单门长虹玻璃工艺 Non-standard customization 非标定制 Gray and black are matched in pairs, with a simple black-white- gray style.Retreat . from prosperity, return to nature, Represents an elegant lifestyle 查看更多>> ME028 ME028 ME008 抛弃流行束缚,没有多余的装饰,化繁为简,素雅贵气 Non-standard customization 非标定制 Gray and black are matched in pairs, with a simple black-white- gray style.Retreat . from prosperity, return to nature, Represents 查看更多>> ME008 ME008 ME008 艺术经典之作,将美感发挥得淋漓尽致,触动心灵深处 THICK AND STEADY GUIDE RAIL 厚实稳重导轨 Multiple design inspiration from art theme, harmony will be classic and modern, luxury and simple, quiet and smart bathroom 查看更多>> ME033 ME033 ME033 优雅玫瑰金,高贵皇家典范 180 full rotation angle 180全方位旋转角度 Rotating shaft shower room with internal and external door opening is convenient and free, and is not restricted toThe door can be opened inward or outward in 查看更多>> MC032 MC032 MC032 低调沉稳,气质独特,贵气大方 MINIMAL NARROW GAUGE 极简时尚转轴 he quietly elegant luxury reflects a kind of low-key fashion, and experience a tasteful nobility. Unique texture, depicts the highlights of life, reveals the del 查看更多>> MC030 MC030 MC030 亮洁的空间,别出心裁的设计让生活多了一分人文关怀 MINIMAL NARROW GAUGE , 极简窄轨内外开转轴门 Elegance combined with fresh furniture style, landscape combined with humanity, with a noble and elegant romantic lif 查看更多>> MC203 MC203 MC202 简洁精致的设计,让生活简单、舒心,随心所欲 Minimalist narrow-gauge sliding door series 极简窄轨扇移门系列 Perfect and elegant design, creating an exquisite life quality. Modern stylish curve and arc with great orig 查看更多>> MC202 MC202 MC202 简洁精致的设计,让生活简单、舒心,随心所欲 Minimalist narrow-gauge sliding door series 极简窄轨扇移门系列 Perfect and elegant design, creating an exquisite life quality. Modern stylish curve and arc with great orig 查看更多>> MC205 MC205 MC205 精致质感的弧线造型,焕发出优雅的古典气质 ANTI-DERAIL .MENT BOUNCING WHEEL 防脱轨弹跳轮 Scientific and precise hinge structure, perfect combination of rose gold plating and matte black stainless steel.The opening and cl 查看更多>> MC208 MC208 MC208 如艺术品般精雕细琢,让每个细节焕发出匠心之美 ANTI-DERAIL .MENT BOUNCING WHEEL 防脱轨弹跳轮 Scientific and precise hinge structure, perfect combination of rose gold plating and matte black stainless steel.The opening 查看更多>> MC206 MC206 MC026 精致质感的弧线造型,焕发出优雅的古典气质 ANTI-DERAIL .MENT BOUNCING WHEEL 防脱轨弹跳轮 Scientific and precise hinge structure, perfect combination of rose gold plating and matte black stainless steel.The opening and cl 查看更多>> MC207 MC207 MC207 华丽浪漫情怀,让生活不再单调 Arc-shaped narrow rail sector shift 弧面窄导轨扇型移 Gray and black are matched in pairs, with a simple black-white-gray style. Retreat from prosperity, return to nature, Represents an elegan 查看更多>>